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CRP Transition Incentive Program Promotes Transition Opportunities for Farmers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is ramping up efforts to support Kansas farmers through the Conservation Reserve Program Transition Incentives Program (CRP-TIP), addressing critical challenges facing the state's agricultural sector. The USDA recently announced an investment of nearly $1.8 million in cooperative agreements to promote CRP-TIP awareness, underlining the program's significance in addressing agricultural transitions and land access challenges.


With 66% of producers over the age of 55, the need for effective farm transition strategies has never been more pressing. CRP-TIP offers a solution by providing incentives for landowners to transfer expiring CRP land to beginning, veteran, or socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.


As millions of CRP acres are set to expire in the coming years, CRP-TIP represents a valuable opportunity for Kansas farmers to put transition plans in place and leverage CRP contracts for retirement planning.

The program offers retiring landowners up to two additional years of CRP payments when they sell or rent their CRP land to eligible farmers. This incentive helps preserve conservation practices while facilitating land access for new farmers. AgKansitions, a recent recipient of a grant to promote CRP-TIP, will be hosting informational sessions across Kansas to educate farmers about the program's benefits and application process.

What is the CRP Transition Incentive Program?

The Transition Incentives Program (TIP) offers assistance for landowners and operators, as well as opportunities for beginning veteran and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. It provides landowners or operators with two additional annual rental payments on land enrolled in expiring Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts, on the condition they sell or rent this land to a beginning veteran or socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher. Up to two additional annual CRP payments can be obtained through TIP. New landowners or renters must return the land to production using sustainable grazing or farming methods.

Who qualifies for participation in TIP?

  • Beginning farmer or rancher: a person or entity who has not been a farm or ranch operator for more than 10 years.

  • Veteran farmer or rancher means a person, or for entities has at least 50 percent interest in that entity, who served in the Armed Forces and who has obtained status as a veteran during the most recent 10-year period, or operated a farm or ranch for no more than 10 years.

  • Socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher: a farmer or rancher who is a member of a group whose members have historically been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as a member of that group. For this program, gender is not included.

Why is TIP important?

TIP provides landowners and operators with an incentive to return land to production on an expiring CRP Contract in a way that preserves established conservation practices. It also provides an opportunity for beginning, veteran and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers to purchase their own land or rent land.

How do I enroll in TIP?

Only land enrolled in an expiring CRP contract is eligible. TIP enrollment is on a continuous basis and may occur up to one year before a contract is set to expire. To qualify for TIP, the landowner or operator must either sell this land, or lease it on a long-term basis (at least five years), to a beginning veteran or socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher.

To learn more about CRP-TIP or to apply,

visit your local Farm Service Agency office.

337A Waters Hall, 1603 Old Claflin Pl, Manhattan, KS 66506 | 785-532-4526 | Fax: 785-532-6925 |

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